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Plant Based Diets

vegan food

The plant revolution is growing.

You’ve heard it all before. It seems these days, everyone from TV chefs through environmental activists to your Vegan ‘friend’ on Facebook is telling you the same thing. A plant-based diet will change your life. The thing is…. they’re right. It’s an inescapable truth. Introducing more plant foods into our diet is unquestionably beneficial to our health and also it’s great for the planet.

vegan food ideas

No longer just a bit on the side.

But let’s be honest, not everybody falls in love with plants at first bite. If you enjoy meaty meals, it’s a big ask to suddenly become a quinoa and kale worshipper and forget your beloved Sunday roast or bacon sandwich. So the question is, how do you go from meat and two veg to just…. veg?

vegan food

Taking the first step.

The first thing to remember is that it doesn’t have to happen all in one go. Perhaps you’ll never be a person who entirely gives up meat. But a good way to dip your toe in the water is to try swapping out one or two meals a week for plant-based alternatives. And with so many exciting options available and recipes to try, there’s never been a better time to boldly go where no meat has gone before.

vegan food

A fresh approach to food.

Many people, when they go plant-side for the first time, decide to give up anything that resembles meat at all. Why fake it when you can make delicious dishes out of vegetables alone? And the great thing is, vegetables go well with anything. If you’re a curry or chilli lover, you can swap out your usual protein for some hearty veg with a bite such as aubergine, cauliflower, lentils, chickpeas, butternut squash or sweet potato. They soak up flavour beautifully and leave you feeling nourished and satisfied, not to mention virtuous. Everybody is singing the praises of jackfruit right now, and for good reason. Its tender, melt in the mouth texture makes it a great option for those who love tacos or pulled pork, and mushrooms are always a go-to, versatile ingredient that work well in everything from burgers to Bolognese.

vegan food

Fake it till you make it.

But if you need easing in a little more gently with meals that are more recognisable, there are heaps of tasty and affordable meat substitutes that are easily available in supermarkets. From plant-based mince to vegetarian sausages, Tofu chunks for your stir fry to fake crispy shredded duck – giving up meat doesn’t have to mean giving up the food you know and love.

vegan food

Transform your diet. And your kitchen.

Here at Bosch, we are committed to helping our customers live a more sustainable and healthy life. We have a huge range of appliances, utensils and accessories available that can help you as you set out on your culinary adventure. We would love to hear from you about the plant-based dishes you are trying and to find out about the ways that you plan to change your diet for the future. Share your achievements with us on @boschhomeuk Instagram using #dietwithBosch.